Integrated Visual Auditory Continuous Performance Test
IVA-2 – Evaluate Visual and Auditory Attention
The IVA-2 CPT is Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software that helps clinicians test and quantify both visual and auditory attention and response control functioning within the context of a comprehensive evaluation. The intent of this CDS software is to provide a standardized measure of individuals' capabilities pertaining to their attentional functioning and self-regulation that can be independently reviewed and interpreted by healthcare professionals in their diagnostic decision-making process. The IVA-2 test scores and any guidance in their interpretation is not intended for use as the primary or sole basis for clinical diagnostic decision-making. In-depth descriptions of how test scores are derived along with guidance in their suggested interpretation is provided in order for healthcare professionals to be able to understand and evaluate the relevance and validity of the test results for themselves. The interpretation of the test results also requires that the test taker be carefully observed in order for the clinician to determine that the test was validly administered and that the test scores are congruent with the observed test behavior. The interpretation of the IVA-2 tests results and its possible diagnostic value is general in nature and, thus, necessitates that clinicians interpret it only within the framework of a comprehensive evaluation.
The IVA-2 CDS system includes free online, self-scoring ADHD parent, teacher, and self-rating scales which are integrated into its reports for clinical review in comparison to test results. A report writer is provided in order to help guide clinicians in considering the various relevant factors when making their diagnosis. By following a step-by-step process, healthcare providers can evaluate and weigh the various factors in the process of determining a clinical diagnosis in accordance with DSM-5 guidelines. Using the report writing system, a draft evaluation that includes the client's clinical history, presenting symptoms, other psychological issues, clinical observations, rating scale results, and the IVA-2 test results can be created for review. This draft report can be easily modified using the built-in, MS Word compatible word processor. It is possible for a clinician to administer, score the test, download the ADHD rating scale results, and create an integrated and comprehensive report in less than an hour!
Why do Clinicians Need to Include the IVA-2 in ADHD Evaluations?
Why do Clinicians Need to Include the IVA-2 in ADHD Evaluations?
Many clinical disorders described in DSM-5 include impairments in attentional functioning and self-control. There are also numerous medical and environmental factors (e.g., poor sleep, jet lag, colds, headaches, etc.) that can lead to impairments in attention or self-control that can impact IVA-2 test performance which clinicians will need to consider in their evaluations. Published research has identified that the IVA-2 CPT is a sensitive and valid measure for identifying clinical impairments typically occurring in ADHD populations. Using the IVA-2 CPT with children ages 7 to 12 found that it had a sensitivity of 92% in identifying individuals diagnosed by a clinician as having ADHD. The IVA CPT also correctly identified the 90% of non-ADHD children (i.e., false positives = 10%). Another validity study for a typical mixed age clinical population (ages 6 to 55) found that as part of a clinician's comprehensive psychological evaluation, the combination of the ADHD rating scale data with the IVA-2 CPT matched the clinical diagnosis 90% of the time. In addition, this study did not misclassify 89% of individuals who did not have ADHD (i.e., 11% false positives). A summary review of the key IVA-2 CPT research is available by clicking here.
The IVA Decision Support Software is both QEEG and fMRI validated. What does this mean?
The use of the IVA-2 requires that it be administered under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional who has expertise in the use and interpretation of psychological tests. The test is not intended to be used as a stand-alone or primary diagnostic instrument and its interpretation requires that the clinician determine by direct observation that the IVA-2 CPT was validly completed. By itself, this test it does not identify the presence or absence of any specific clinical diagnosis. The purpose of this psychological test is to provide standardized measures of the various aspects of attentional and impulse control functioning which examiners can consider in making their clinical diagnosis as part of a comprehensive evaluation. For more information about the IVA-2 and a sample of a clinician generated report, click here.
"The IVA-2 has an incredible number of new features and ways of looking at the data. The report option will meet any needs you have and are wonderfully user-friendly. Report writing can be onerous and time consuming, but with IVA-2 it's a dream. I liked the old IVA+Plus, but when the new IVA-2 came out – whooo!" – Anthea Stroman, R.N., Daniel Lowrance, Ph.D., Cales Psychology, Arlington, TX
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NEW! Remote Testing
Now you can have the freedom to administer the IVA-2 at an additional location without having to pay full-price for an additional station. For a one-time fee, you can add a special license to administer the IVA-2 from a second location. This license automatically renews at no additional charge when you renew your IVA-2 license. The new IVA-2 remote testing option allows you to administer tests from other locations online using the Chrome web browser or an iPad. Test data is automatically transferred to your PC and is accessible only from your "master" IVA-2 license. All test data is securely encrypted, and no PHI ever goes online.
Here's how it works: from your IVA-2 license on your PC, you can generate codes to use IVA-2 test administrations you have purchased on your iPad. You can then use the iPad to administer those tests in a different location. The iPad functions as a "clicker" so no external mouse is needed. You will, however, need headphones or external speakers. Once you have administered a test, the data will automatically transferred to your IVA-2 PC in the office.
If you prefer to administer your tests online using the Chrome web browser, you can invest in an online remote testing license, which allows you to administer tests remotely from the Internet on any computer that supports the Chrome browser, including Macs. As is the case with the iPad remote testing license, the data are automatically transferred back to your IVA-2 PC once a test is completed. All identifiable PHI test data is only stored on your office IVA-2 PC and no identifiable test data is ever stored on the Web or on any remote testing device.
Note: Remote testing should only be administered under the clinical supervision of a qualified health care professional or technician. Remote test administration requires that the Examiner be able to validate that anyone taking the test completes it in accordance with the specified test guidelines and performs to the best of their abilities. Testing can be administered either in-person or via interactive audio/video communication. The audio/video communication setup and functioning must enable the Examiner to view the individual being tested and their ongoing test responses during the entire test. For either in-person or remote testing It is the responsibility of the Examiner to determine if the test was administered in accordance with its guidelines and if an individual's test compliance and effort was valid.
The IVA-2…
is Clinical Decision Support software that helps qualified healthcare professionals analyze and evaluate attention and self-control functioning.
includes free online parent, teacher and self ADHD rating scales.
provides a report writer that clinicians can use to create a customized draft report based on their comprehensive evaluation.
is compatible for use with DSM-5®.
helps to assess possible malingering.
can easily be administered by a technician in 15-20 minutes
provides nine unique interpretive reports to help guide clinicians in better understanding their clients' attention and response control problems.
utilizes ten different data analyses to provide in-depth information in both table and graph format to aid clinicians in interpreting the test scores and data.
Free Rating Scales
How to use the IVA-2 Rating Scales – CLICK HERE
The IVA-2 CDS Software system provides the option to include up to nine FREE parent, teacher, and self ADHD rating scales that can be completed online. The rating scales are auto-scored, and summary data are confidentially downloaded to your computer. There is no identifying information ever available for any client online. To maintain confidentiality, the IVA-2 automatically generates unique random ID, passwords and identifiers for each individual. The IVA-2 is a test that helps you in your comprehensive evaluations. Note: You must administer a test to access the IVA ADHD rating scales.
Click here to view samples of the questionnaire: Sample 1 Sample 2
DSM-5 is a trademark of the American Psychiatric Association.
The use of the IVA-2 CDS software is intended only for use by licensed healthcare professionals with the appropriate training and experience in the administration and interpretation of this type of psychological test. This CDS software is not intended to be used as a standalone diagnostic instrument and by itself does not identify the presence or absence of any clinical diagnosis. The intended function of this CDS software is to aid providers in their analysis and interpretation of standardized measures of attention and response control functioning as part of a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. The system requires healthcare providers' clinical input, validation and decision making in order to effectively use its suggestions and guidance in helping them in their diagnostic determination process.
The IVA-2 is a test of attention like all CPTs. The fact that the IVA-2 was found to significantly correlate with both QEEG and fMRI measures of attention provides validation that it truly measures what it was designed to measure (i.e., attentional functioning). Both QEEG and fMRI measures of attention have been found in various research studies to be useful in identifying individuals with ADHD and differentiating them with clinical efficacy.In light of the value of QEEG, the FDA approved a new QEEG based test last year after determining that it had sufficient clinical accuracy to be medically appropriate for use in helping clinicians in their diagnostic process when evaluating ADHD symptoms. This test was based in part of the research completed over 15 years ago by Dr. Joel Lubar and Dr. Vince Monastra, who identified the clinical sensitivity of QEEG analysis in classifying individuals with ADHD.
Thus, the IVA-2 test's validity as a useful tool in the diagnostic process of clinicians is partly based on the fact that it is an accurate measure of the underlying psychophysiological processes of attention confirmed by independently completed research studies.
Why do Clinicians Need to Include the IVA-2 in ADHD Evaluations?
Research by Harrison, et al. (2007) concluded that the performance of college students who were instructed to simulate ADHD symptoms on standard ADHD rating scales was indistinguishable from those diagnosed as truly having ADHD; demonstrating that the symptoms of ADHD can be easily fabricated. Thus, clinicians cannot assume that students seeking either access to medications or academic accommodations will put forth their best effort and not exaggerate or magnify their symptom complaints. Identifying this type of "faking bad" behavior can be very challenging. However by including the IVA-2 in their comprehensive ADHD evaluations, clinicians can more accurately identify students who fake ADHD symptomatology. The IVA-2 provides clinicians with the option to evaluate possible malingering based on a published research study that demonstrated the effectiveness of the iVA-2 in identifying over 90% of college students who tried to simulate impaired test performance.
Link to Abstract
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